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Procedural Palette Generation Tool

This tool creates customizable color palettes for GLSL shaders using a simple yet powerful mathematical formula. The technique was eloquently explained and popularized by Inigo Quilez, an expert in computer graphics and procedural generation.

The tool generates smooth, cyclical color transitions useful for adding variations to procedural elements, colorizing grayscale signals, or creating visual effects. It's based on the following cosine formula:

color(t) = a + b * cos(2π(c*t+d))

Where t is the input (0 to 1), and a, b, c, d are vector parameters controlling the palette.

Adjust the sliders below to modify these parameters. The palette updates in real-time, allowing you to experiment with different color schemes. Feel free to use the generated GLSL code in your shaders.

For an excellent, in-depth explanation of this technique, check out Inigo Quilez's "Palettes" article.

vec3 palette(float t){ vec3 a=vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); vec3 b=vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); vec3 c=vec3(1,1,1); vec3 d=vec3(0,0.33,0.67); return a+b*cos(6.28318*(c*t+d)); }